When I realized I could not rap like Snoop Dogg, or write plays like Shakespeare, I decided my rhymes were best suited to writing stories for kids.
When I'm not writing stories and painting pictures, I can usually be found hiking in the mountains, swimming in the sea, or exploring the ever-changing landscape of a good book.
I divide my time between Canada, India, and a few new adventures around the world.
I am an entirely independent author. Meaning, you will not find my books on Amazon, or many big box stores (I do have a soft-spot for Indigo!)
I love to support local, so you can find my work in independent bookstores and retailers, as well as right here, in my online shop.
Not only do I believe in the cyclical relationship between writers and booksellers, I also try to circle my work back to organizations which promote children's literacy.
Through donations and readings, I work with various non-profit programs which embody the belief that books build better humans!

1. I spend my winters in India, writing stories, painting pictures, and studying the tricky art of taming the jungle of monkeys in my mind . . .
2. I have sampled gelato in over 30 countries around the world. I was inspired to travel by my father's adventures, and his collection of National Geographic. I was destined to love ice cream due to my mother's epic excursions to Laura Secord and Dairy Queen.
3. When I was younger, I wanted to be a veterinarian. I rode horses, "adopted" strays, and I still dream of owning a very big, fluffy dog. While I may not be a vet, I do enjoy writing tales about furry creatures . . .